Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hark back to the olden days ...

... when the kids and hanger-ons of Laguna Beach were on fire.

I trust you've seen or at least heard about the joke that was the Spencer Pratt directed Heidi Montag music video for her single "Higher". Well if you haven't, it was nothing less (or more) than a home video of her romping around on the beach, flinging her arms aimlessly around like a Backstreet Boy. The video is so ridiculous, in fact, that it has flung her up onto iTunes' top 10 list for pop songs. In an interview with Us Weekly, she admitted that "I cried myself to sleep that first night after my video came out ... I just couldn't understand why people I didn't even know felt the need to be so cruel and hurtful toward me." She didn't make it any better when she added that "We were at the beach and, literally, Spencer had his camera and a boom box in the trunk ... We did it in one take, maybe two, and it took us 20 minutes to film and cost us zero dollars ... We had other ideas but we couldn't afford them."

Spencer, being the best Spencer he could be, took full advantage of the situation -- which, we all know, he himself created: "I just held her and told her it was going to be OK."

Stephen Colletti, in a strange turn of events, has found himself in the middle of an online presidential debate of sorts. Here are some juicier bits, if you think statistical knowledge is sexy:
Dana: pay attention to all the fine print. cnn along with any other "statistical" information is assumed and based on "sources." hence, lack of reliability. and if you're referring to "exit polls" and "surveys," do you realize how illegitimate those are?

Stephen: kinda like [Hillary] losing by a 2 to 1 margin in every state this weekend, and losing 3 more tomorrow? and [Obama] having more of national popular vote, and him being up 21 state to 10 after tomorrow. lol ... and he will win by healthy margins in the 3 primaries tomorrow.
Not too bad for someone who probably got too much sun growing up. Maybe he should think about quitting One Tree Hill (is he even still on that?) and think about becoming a political prophet.

[Photo courtesy of]

Lastly, this is actually somewhat related to Laguna Beach though probably more people will care: Stacey Farber of Degrassi fame is now interning at Teen Vogue in New York City. Looks like Teen Vogue loves its young celebs and the attention they garner.

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