Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The Longest Hour of My Life

Chaotic. More like anything BUT. I suppose somewhere in between the VERY close-up shots of her crater face, we do get glimpses of "the real Britney." And I must say, it was quite sad. She obviously has some bitterness issues to deal with, ie: "I knew JC from before, because he was in a group called NSYNC. I don't know if anybody's ever heard of them before." Ouch!

Yes, I believe she was sincere when she talked about how lonely she was, and how there was a void in her life. But lonely to the point of flying a guy, that she only met for like, five minutes in a club in LA (how skeevy is that?!), out to London because she "wouldn't continue her tour without him." And then bragging about having sex with him three times in one day? Ok, no thanks. Too much information.

The home video feel of the show just makes me dizzy. And what's with the night vision? Paris has already been there, done that. I hear next week is going to be clips off the Britney cam again. I wanna know what life is like for them NOW!

As much as I was waiting for Britney and Kevin to break up, it seems like this is something she really needs. So best of luck to them. Don't forget to tune in next week! Hopefully, 30 minutes will pass faster.

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