Friday, January 07, 2005


Just days ago, I watched some E! special, which labelled Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston the fairy-tale couple all of Hollywood looked to. But what now? They've split!?

I never cared much for them as a couple, but still, the news is shocking. Brad Pitt, divorcee? Words I'd never thought I'd hear in the same sentence...

Other terrible celeb news ... I heard "Popstar in a near-fatal car accident" on Extra last night, and the pangs in my heart and mind told me it was a Carter. I feared for the worst (that it was dear, sweet Nickee), but alas, it was the uglier one. Scary nonetheless.

And I would like to retract my statement on Lindsay Lohan's breasts from last night. A picture from her new music video, "Over", says more than I could ever say myself:

(photo courtesy of

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