Friday, January 07, 2005


This is SO bizarro, because I ran into this picture of Paris, which made me decide to post here. And THEN I see Maxine's new posts, which I didn't know about until i signed on! Why would anyone change their shoes AND bag in the middle of the day?

Unless... *gasp!* she wore the same outfit twice! No I refuse to believe! And Maxine, those mukluks don't look so hot on her anyway =)

I'm strangely attracted to the man kiss picture below. I can't wait for Jake's new movie when he has a man kiss too!

Speaking of Jake...

WHOA!? Okay, that was mean. But this picture freaks me out. Really. I mean, his arm is like abnormally loooongggggg and she's so tiny!


Maxine said...

I, too, wondered why Paris changed during her shopping trip. Lovely picture, where'd you find it? (Loves new photo sources!)

I want to go to St. Bart's now ...

And I do believe Brody and Rachel are standing on a sloped sidewalk, although she IS tiny. Well, at least in comparison to him. She's a measly 5'4'' to his ... 6'2''?

Maxine said...

Er ... imdb says he's only 5'10''. He's gotta be at least 6', though, because he's about three inches taller than Ben Mackenzie, who is -- I think -- 5'9''. Or 5'10''.

Maxine said...

Rah rah rah I keep making mistakes. McKenzie not Mackenzie.

Maxine said...

Who, imdb says, is only 5' 8 1/2''!