Saturday, February 04, 2006

Public Displays of Embarrassment

... as a followup to reports on Paris Hilton's goods being distributed amongst tabloid magazines between the U.S. and the U.K. -- her lawyers are now doing what they can to protect their client. Her spokesperson, Elliot Mintz said, "The possibility that many people would be reading her journal is really disquieting. She's feeling a combination of anger, certainly confusion, and just tremendous sadness ... She has gone through her share of public embarrassment," Mintz said. "This becomes yet another one of those moments." That's his way of saying "She's a freakin' dumbass who never learns because she doesn't have to" without getting fired.

Ner ner. Lindsay Lohan's big mouth has finally gotten her into trouble. Apparently she bragged about partying at a bunch of 21+ bars and clubs in the recent Vanity Fair article and suffered the consequences when she was kicked out of the Hudson Hotel's bar during a cast and crew member hangout sesh (presumably for Chapter 27). Hmm. Too bad I just dreamt last night that La Lohan and another scenester (whose face I can't remember right now ... I think she was blonde. She may have been Nicky Hilton) helped me get past the velvet rope. Oh well. I turn twenty-one a whole fifteen months before La Lohan, so I shall go chill at the Hudson Hotel bar and rub it in her face. Even if she never knows about it. [Photo courtesy of]

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